
作者: 时间:2023-04-27 点击数:









广州大学“百人计划”青年杰出人才。研究方向为环境微界面化学、重金属环境地球化学、重金属污染修复。具体包括:(1)珠江三角洲土壤-地下水体系砷的迁移转化释放机制;(2)土壤重金属污染评价与植物修复。主要研究成果发表在Environmental Science & TechnologyWater ResearchEnvironment International等本领域著名期刊上。共主持国家自然科学基金3项、广东省自然科学基金1项等项目。















1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,珠江三角洲地表水-地下水交互带溶解/沉积有机质季节性耦合过程及砷还原释放机制2023-2026

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,珠江三角洲地下水系统砷富集机制:溶解性有机质的制约(2020-2023

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,珠江三角洲浅层地下水体系砷的微生物氧化还原转化及迁移关键过程研究(2017-2019

4. 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,污染农田水稻根际砷的迁移转化微界面过程:硫酸盐的影响机制研究(2019-2022

5. 广州市基础研究计划市校(院)联合资助项目(市级),地表水关键组分对珠江三角洲土壤-地下水体系砷释放过程的影响机制研究(2021-2023

6. 广东省石油化工污染过程与控制重点实验室开放基金,多环芳烃类污染物对土壤中砷迁移转化的影响机制(2019-2021

7. 广州大学引进人才科研启动项目,珠江三角洲地下水砷的环境地球化学及防控机制(2018-2023

8. 法国/香港合作研究计划, PotEntially HArmfull Trace METals in the Hong Kong and South China Region: Baseline, Sources, and Recommendations (PEAT-MET) (2016-2017, Co-PI)



国家、广东省和浙江省自然科学基金通讯评审专家。中国土壤学会主办的核心期刊《土壤通报》青年编委。长期担任Environmental Science & TechnologyApplied GeochemistryEnvironmental PollutionJournal of Soils and Sediments期刊审稿人。



1. 广州市高层次人才(2022年)

2. 美国化学会Environmental Science & Technology 2021年度优秀审稿人奖(Excellence in Review Award)

3. 国际地球化学协会(IAGC)会刊 Applied Geochemistry首次(2020年)优秀审稿人奖(Excellence-in-Review Awards) 

4. 国际地球化学协会(IAGC2-year membership award2021-2022

5. 博士研究生国家奖学金(2014年)

6. 中科集团环保奖学金(2014年)


1. Cui JL, Yang JS, Weber M, Yan J, Li RH, Chan TS, Jiang Y, Xiao TF, Li XY, Li XD*. Phosphate interactions with iron-titanium oxide composites: Implications for phosphorus removal/recovery from wastewater. Water Research 2023, 234, 119804.

2. Yi HL, Cui JL*, Sun JT, Zhou XY, Ye TC, Gan SC, Chen JC, Yang YZ, Liang WX, Guo PR, Abdelhaleem A, Xiao TF. Key drivers regulating arsenic enrichment in shallow groundwater of the Pearl River Delta: Comprehensive analyses of iron, competitive anions, and dissolved organic matter. Applied Geochemistry 2023, 151, 105602.

3. Cui JL*, Zhao YP, Chan TS, Xiao TF, Tsang DCW, Li XD. Partitioning and (im)mobilization of arsenic associated with iron in arsenic-bearing deep subsoil profiles from Hong Kong. Environmental Pollution 2022, 308, 119527

4. Cui JL, Zhao YP, Lu YJ, Chan TS, Zhang LL, Tsang DCW, Li XD*. Spatial distribution and molecular speciation of copper in indigenous plants from contaminated mine sites: Implication for phytostabilization. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 381, 121208.

5. Cui JL, Jing CY*. A review of arsenic interfacial geochemistry in groundwater and the role of organic matter. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019, 183, 109550.

6. Liang SY#, Cui JL#, Bi XY, Luo XS, Li XD*. Deciphering source contributions of trace metal contamination in urban soil, road dust, and foliar dust of Guangzhou, southern China. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 695, 133596.

7. Cui JL, Zhao YP, Chan TS, Zhang LL, Tsang DCW, Li XD*. Distribution and speciation of copper in rice (Oryza sativa L.) from mining-impacted paddy soil: Implications for copper uptake mechanisms. Environment International 2019, 126, 717–726.

8. Cui JL, Du JJ, Tian HX, Chan TS*, Jing CY*. Rethinking anaerobic As(III) oxidation in filters: Effect of indigenous nitrate respirers. Chemosphere 2018, 196, 223-230.

9. Cui JL, Zhao YP, Li JS, Tsang DCW, Poon CS, Chan TS, Wang WX, Li XD*. Speciation, mobilization, and bioaccessibility of arsenic in geogenic soil profile from Hong Kong. Environmental Pollution 2018, 232, 375-384.

10. Cui JL, Luo CL, Tang CWY, Chan TS, Li XD*. Speciation and leaching of trace metal contaminants from E-waste contaminated soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2017, 329: 150-158.

11. Cui JL, Du JJ, Yu SW, Jing CY*, Chan TS*. Groundwater arsenic removal using granular TiO2: Integrated laboratory and field study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22:8224-8234.

12. Cui JL, Jing CY*, Che DS, Zhang JF*, Duan SX. Groundwater arsenic removal by coagulation using ferric(III) sulfate and polyferric sulfate: A comparative and mechanistic study. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2015, 32: 42-53.

13. Cui JL, Shi JB, Jiang GB, Jing CY*. Arsenic levels and speciation from ingestion exposures to bio-markers in Shanxi, China: Implications for human health. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47, 5419-5424.

14. 陈洁宜, 刘广波, 崔金立*, 肖唐付. 广东大宝山矿区土壤植物体系重金属迁移过程及风险评价. 环境科学. 2019, 40, 431-441.

15. 谢冬梅, 曹林洪, 崔金立*. 二氧化钛颗粒制备及其对水中三价砷的去除研究.环境工程学报. 2012, 7, 1279-1284.




招生专业为环境科学、环境工程、资源与环境,欢迎有志于重金属环境地球化学与修复、地下水资源与水文地球化学、水文地质与工程地质等相关专业背景的青年学子报考硕士或做毕业论文。E-mail: jlcui@gzhu.edu.cn

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